COVID-19 Tailgate Training for Employees
COVID-19 Tailgate training has been attached for your convenience to give to your employees. The purpose of tailgate training/ meetings are to address the specific hazards and safe work practices for the work environment; in this case COVID-19 and to ensure that employees are staying safe.
Workers Compensation Insurances’ and CalOSHA require that you have short tailgate trainings in addition to the trainings that we already provide. Beginning this month, we will being attaching an appropriate tailgate training for you.
Pesticide Container Recycling
Collections are from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the following authorized disposal sites:
Lovelace Materials Recovery Facility
2323 E. Lovelace Road
Manteca, CA
(209) 468-3066
FREE on the second WEDNESDAY of February, April, June, August, October, December
Feb 10, April 14, June 9, Aug 11, Oct 13, Dec 8
North Country Recycling Center
177720 E. Harney Lane
Lodi, CA
(209) 468-3066
FREE on the second THURSDAY of January, March, May, July, September, November
Jan 14, Mar 11, May 13, July 8, Sept 9, Nov 10
Tracy Materials Recovery Facility
30703 S. MacArthur Drive
Tracy, CA
(209) 832-2355
FREE on the second TUESDAY of February, April, June, August, October, December
Feb 9, May 11, Aug 10, Nov 9
CalOSHA Form 300 Requirements
CalOSHA Department of Industrial Relations requires covered employers to post from Feb 1 to April 30 Form 300A injury and illness summary information for the preceding year. A covered employer is one that had at least 11 employees at any time during that year.
CalOSHA rule adopted in Dec 2019, an agricultural employer with more than 20 employees at any time in 2020 must between Jan 2 and March 2 submit to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration Injury Tracking Application Form 300A data for 2020.
Annual Employee Pesticide Handler Safety Training Requirements for Field Workers Trainings will take place the following dates:
The training is being held by Agricultural Production Safety. Each year all employees that handle any pesticide including rodent baits must go through training on the safe handling of pesticides. This includes anyone that will be involved with these Chemicals including mechanics.
Respirator Fit Testing will also be done. Your employees must bring their own respirators. If we fit tested the person last year, no medical documentation will be needed. If it is a new employee, we need a doctor's recommendation to be brought with the employee to the fit testing. Please RSVP as spaces are limited to 50 individuals.
Tuesday 02/23/2021 Chinchiolo Stemilt California
4799 N Jack Tone Rd, Stockton, CA 95215
Tuesday 03/02/2021 Roberts Union Farm Center
4925 Howard Rd, Stockton, CA 95206
7:30 AM – 8:00 AM Respirator Fit Test
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Pesticide Handler Training, Hygiene Safety Training, COVID-19 Safety, Tractor/ Farm Implement/ PTO Training
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Respirator Fit Test
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Pesticide Handler Training, Hygiene Safety Training, COVID-19 Safety, Tractor/ Farm Implement/ PTO Training
Two hours of Continuing Education has been applied for the English portion of the meetings at all 3 locations.
A CPR/ First Aid Class will be in the afternoon starting at 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
PLEASE Call (209) 670-9072 to reserve a spot for this class.
$40 / Mask for each mask tested
$75 / Person for CPR / First Aid
APS Clients including Food Safety clients:
$50 / Pesticide Handler training
$30 / Fieldworker Safety training
Non-APS Clients:
$55 / Pesticide Handler training
$35 / Fieldworker Safety training
EEOC Issues Guidance for mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Policies
EEOC’s guidance clarifies that employers wishing to adopt a mandatory vaccination policy must take exemptions or accommodations for employees with sincerely held religious beliefs or medical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from receiving the vaccine.
Be sure to check out our updated website here
All of our products, services, classes and events are listed there.
Call our office number (209) 670-9072 to schedule your next training,
as our schedule is filling up.
PLEASE KEEP AN EYE OUT for our FARM WITH SAFETY NEWSLETTERS as they contain valuable information for your establishment.